弗吉尼亚理工大学® 首页。


弗吉尼亚理工大学 is a beautiful campus and 首页。 to many iconic locations and attractions current and former residents are familiar with. For those who may have never seen or even heard of some of these sights, we offer an introduction to what you'll find when you 访问 弗吉尼亚理工大学's main campus in Blacksburg, 维吉尼亚州. 此外,网上赌博网站十大排行鼓励你也享受一个 快速校园摄影之旅.

需要更多的? Check out more options for 访问ing 弗吉尼亚理工大学 virtually by 访问ing our 虚拟VT访问网页 page for more information on some of 弗吉尼亚理工大学's lesser-known attractions.



在校园飞行最简单的方法是使用无人机公园. 足球场大小的设施给学生, 研究人员, 员工, and members of the community a place to explore UAS operations without the constraints of registration, 认证, 或者专门的培训. 了解更多.



的 rare old-growth urban forest near Lane Stadium on the campus of 弗吉尼亚理工大学 covers approximately 11.5英亩. 它有250多棵大树, including dozens of white oak trees that have been estimated by scientists to be over 300 years old. 了解更多.

弗吉尼亚理工大学 和平研究和暴力预防中心
弗吉尼亚理工大学 和平研究和暴力预防中心


的 弗吉尼亚理工大学 和平研究和暴力预防中心 is an academic and 研究 organization whose vision builds on the cultural initiatives that evolved within the 弗吉尼亚理工大学 community after the tragedy of April 16, 2007. 的 center's 教育al mission envisions a world informed by cross-disciplinary work in violence prevention 研究, 教育, 以及实践学习经验. 了解更多.

的 upper level of War Memorial Court is one of the most memorable features of campus. 八座石灰石塔上蚀刻着 的名字 of 弗吉尼亚理工大学 students and graduates who have given their lives in battle, 从第一次世界大战开始. 中间的纪念碑是为了纪念这所大学 荣誉勋章获得者.


的塔 & 战争纪念教堂

的 upper level of War Memorial Court is one of the most memorable features of campus. 八座石灰石塔上蚀刻着 的名字 of 弗吉尼亚理工大学 students and graduates who have given their lives in battle, 从第一次世界大战开始. 中间的纪念碑是为了纪念这所大学 荣誉勋章获得者. 了解更多.

上庭院是 弗吉尼亚理工学院学员团 and features one of the oldest buildings on campus, 弄堂口. When the school first opened, all students were admitted as cadets. 现在,领导者发展项目由1个以上的学生组成,100名学员, 代表了后备军官训练队的所有分支, and offers the Citizen-Leader Track for cadets pursuing careers in the private and public sector without a military obligation. 上院是部队心爱的斯基珀大炮的所在地. 斯基普参加每一场游行和主场足球比赛. In addition, the corps' yellow Labrador ambassador Growley (AKA “Tank”) resides in Pearson Hall.

军校学员,911典礼,弄堂口, 上四
军校学员,911典礼,弄堂口, 上四


上庭院是 弗吉尼亚理工学院学员团 and features one of the oldest buildings on campus, 弄堂口. When the school first opened, all students were admitted as cadets. 现在,领导者发展项目由1个以上的学生组成,100名学员, 代表了后备军官训练队的所有分支, and offers the Citizen-Leader Track for cadets pursuing careers in the private and public sector without a military obligation. 上院是部队心爱的斯基珀大炮的所在地. 斯基普参加每一场游行和主场足球比赛. In addition, the corps' yellow Labrador ambassador Growley (AKA “Tank”) resides in Pearson Hall.

Squires学生中心是学生活动的中心. 美食广场, 艺术画廊, 广播电台, 剧场制作空间, 学生报纸都在这里找到了自己的归宿. 位于较低的楼层, BreakZone提供保龄球馆, 台球桌, 乒乓球比赛, 和更多的.

Campus scenic, spring flowers, 在校学生, 斯奎尔斯学生中心
Campus scenic, spring flowers, 在校学生, 斯奎尔斯学生中心


Squires学生中心是学生活动的中心. 美食广场, 艺术画廊, 广播电台, 剧场制作空间, 学生报纸都在这里找到了自己的归宿. 位于较低的楼层, BreakZone提供保龄球馆, 台球桌, 乒乓球比赛, 和更多的. 了解更多.

MAC上有一个1,260个座位的表演大厅, 视觉艺术画廊, and the four-story experimental “Cube” – a highly-adaptable space used to create immersive environments, 亲密的表现, 视听装置, 研究, 以及各种各样的实验研究. 每年都有新的艺术家, 充满活力的表演, and innovative arts experiences for students and the public at large.



MAC上有一个1,260个座位的表演大厅, 视觉艺术画廊, and the four-story experimental “Cube” – a highly-adaptable space used to create immersive environments, 亲密的表现, 视听装置, 研究, 以及各种各样的实验研究. 每年都有新的艺术家, 充满活力的表演, and innovative arts experiences for students and the public at large. 了解更多 or 访问.

钻田是每个霍基人生活的一部分, 提供玩耍和学习的公共空间, and dividing the academic side of campus from the residential side. 在学年的每个工作日, the grassy field is covered with students on their way to class. Large events such as Gobblerfest and 的 Big Event are centered on the Drillfield, 这里是布莱克斯堡校区的中心.

安德鲁Mehrholz, 工商管理专业大二学生,VT摔跤手, poses on the Drillfield to express his excitement for the fall semester.
安德鲁Mehrholz, 工商管理专业大二学生,VT摔跤手, poses on the Drillfield to express his excitement for the fall semester.


钻田是每个霍基人生活的一部分, 提供玩耍和学习的公共空间, and dividing the academic side of campus from the residential side. 在学年的每个工作日, the grassy field is covered with students on their way to class. Large events such as Gobblerfest and 的 Big Event are centered on the Drillfield, 这里是布莱克斯堡校区的中心. 了解更多.

这是弗吉尼亚理工大学繁忙校园里的一个景点, the 鸭子的池塘 is the perfect destination for the whole family. Stroubles Creek flows through the 鸭子的池塘, creating a 首页。 for a variety of wildlife. 的 focal point of the pedestrian trail skirting the pond is a gazebo that provides seating and shelter for 访问ors.

Justin and Jessica Yalung take sons Ezra, 4, and Micah, 2, to the 鸭子的池塘.
Justin and Jessica Yalung take sons Ezra, 4, and Micah, 2, to the 鸭子的池塘.


这是弗吉尼亚理工大学繁忙校园里的一个景点, the 鸭子的池塘 is the perfect destination for the whole family. Stroubles Creek flows through the 鸭子的池塘, creating a 首页。 for a variety of wildlife. 的 focal point of the pedestrian trail skirting the pond is a gazebo that provides seating and shelter for 访问ors.

这个花园的特点是常年有边界, 水花园, 阴影花园, 草地花园, 以及佩吉·李·汉恩花园亭. 当然还有植物,很多植物. 在所有的季节来拜访网上赌博网站十大排行-放松,享受,学习和成长!

文科与人文科学学院, CLAHS, 在校学生, 校园风景, 哈恩园艺花园


这个花园的特点是常年有边界, 水花园, 阴影花园, 草地花园, 以及佩吉·李·汉恩花园亭. 当然还有植物,很多植物. 在所有的季节来拜访网上赌博网站十大排行-放松,享受,学习和成长! 了解更多.

的 地球科学博物馆 is part of the Department of Geosciences and located in 2062 Derring Hall. 展品包括OmniGlobe, 宝石, 矿物质, 岩石, 化石, 以及异特龙骨架的全尺寸模型. 的 矿物质 and 化石 on display include many specimens from 维吉尼亚州 and famous localities worldwide. 的 OmniGlobe can project global datasets, such as weather and plate tectonics, on a sphere. Public hours are 8:00am-5:00pm, Monday-Friday during spring and fall academic semesters. 儿童应由成人陪同. 咨询电话:540-231-6894.



地球科学博物馆 is part of the Department of Geosciences and located in 2062 Derring Hall. 展品包括OmniGlobe, 宝石, 矿物质, 岩石, 化石, 以及异特龙骨架的全尺寸模型. 的 矿物质 and 化石 on display include many specimens from 维吉尼亚州 and famous localities worldwide. 的 OmniGlobe can project global datasets, such as weather and plate tectonics, on a sphere. Public hours are 8:00am-5:00pm, Monday-Friday during spring and fall academic semesters. 儿童应由成人陪同. 咨询电话:540-231-6894.



的 小丑中心 houses the 弗吉尼亚理工大学 Football Museum, 星期一至星期五向公众开放, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 了解更多.



访问 the facility to explore the 弗吉尼亚理工大学 Basketball Museum, 星期一至星期五向公众开放, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 了解更多.

博物馆藏, 包括这两个红海龟头骨吗, 是用来教学的, 研究, 和推广.


藏在切塔姆大厅里, there are thousands of animals — specimens of 弗吉尼亚理工大学's very own natural history museum. 了解更多.